Legal Notice
Town of Durham
Notice is hereby given that at a duly warned Special Town Meeting held on Monday, September 16, 2024, modifications and/or amendments to the Durham Code of Ordinances were adopted as follows:
1. Senior Tax Relief Benefit Program
Per the Town of Durham Charter, Chapter 3, Section 3.5.2 said ordinance shall be effective on a date set by the town meeting or thirty (30) days after adoption, but not before a notice of the ordinance has been published.
Copies of the amendments to the ordinance are available from the Town Clerk's office, 30 Townhouse Road, Durham, CT at no charge to any person making a request. A copy is also available on the Town of Durham website.
Dated in Durham, CT this 17th day of September 2024.
Nicole Charest, CCTC
Durham Town Clerk